
VALCORE maintains working backyard composting bins at the site and conducts free composting classes when scheduled.

VALCORE sells Earth Machine compost bins provided by the City of Vallejo Recycling Division. Click here for information and guide on the bins.

The price is $40 for Vallejo residents and $75 for non-residents.

* Payment is by check or cash.
* Checks should be made out to VALCORE Recycling.
* Cash needs to be exact amount, please.

Compost bins are currently IN STOCK.


Future Compost Classes to be announced.

Please stay tuned for the date and location in the future.

Compost is the most important ingredient in your soil to help it retain moisture and provide enriching nutrients for your plants. Learn the tricks to making compost fast and easy at home.

Download our Composting Flyers and start composting today
Please print these flyers on both sides of the paper then fold for easy reading

Backyard Composting

Using Compost

Compost Crops

Earthworm Composting

Here is information on Compost Crops.

Composting problems? Call (707) 645-8258 or email and we will help solve your problems.

Check out for a variety of available compost bins.